Hands On Hands Rehabilitation Center, Inc.
"Comprehensive Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Center"
We pride ourselves
providing the
best quality of
Hands on Treatments
Professional Skilled Therapists

To schedule an appointment:
Call one of our four locations:
Costa Mesa 714-556-2288
Huntington Beach 714-842-6202
Los Alamitos 562-430-8700
Laguna Hills 949-470-0021
Community Outreach

He Intends Victory
He Intends Victory circles the globe with the hope that only Jesus Christ offers, providing information, counseling, support, and care.
What is Our Purpose:
To encourage a Christian witness within the HIV/AIDS community and to promote faith in Jesus Christ as a living and personal God.
To help those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS who are vulnerable worldwide.
To support churches in outreach opportunities to their HIV/AIDS members, their families and the local community.
To provide both a loving Christian witness and “acts of kindness” both nationally and internationally wherever people living with or impacted by HIV/AIDS reside.
He Intends Victory is a non-profit California 501 (c) 3 corporation entirely supported by concerned individuals or similar organizations sharing the vision of this ministry.
2018 Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis

2016 Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis

Red Nose Day 2016
Money raised for Red Nose Day goes to the Red Nose Day Fund, which then distributes grants to charities — including Save the Children — that benefit children and young people at home and around the world. Half of the money will be spent right here in America for projects close to home. The other half will be spent in some of the poorest communities internationally. All of the grant money will support projects to keep children and young people safe, healthy and educated.

Diabetes Fundraiser: Painting our hands to express how Diabetes has touched us, affected us, what it means to us and to inspire others with Diabetes.

Jingle Bell Run/Walk
The largest holiday 5K race series aimed to fight arthritis! Team Hands On Hands joined in the 5K in 2012.

Backpacks for Motel Kids Hands On Hands put together a backpack for both a boy and a girl. These are then donated to kids who would otherwise not have the necessary school supplies.